Digital Skills Observatory | Intervention One: The Smartphone Ecosystem

CC-BY-SA by Mozilla and Digital Skills Observatory

150 minutes

Learn the basics of how smartphones and the internet work together to deliver apps, information, and messages to and from your smartphone. Participate in engaging activities meant to help you better understand how your phone works and interacts with the world around you.

Activity 1 of 4

Read and Participate on the Web

21st Century Skills

Communication Creativity Problem-solving

Web Literacy Skills

Connect Navigate Share Synthesize

Learning Objectives

  • Explain how a smartphone works.
  • Explain how information moves on the Internet.
  • Explain how information moves on the cellular network.
  • Explain similarities and differences between the Internet and cellular network.
  • Download, install, and use a popular smartphone applications.


  • 13+
  • Beginner web users
  • Beginner smartphone users
