Intermediate Web Literacy I: Intro to CSS | 5. CSS Decoration

Made by Mozilla

60 minutes

Learners will apply text- and box-effect CSS styling techniques to inline and block elements on an HTML webpage, learning about coding, composing, and designing..

Activity 5 of 7

21st Century Skills

Communication Creativity Problem-solving

Write the Web

Web Literacy Skills

Code Compose Design Synthesize

Learning Objectives

  • Understand and be able to explain the connection between an HTML webpage and a CSS stylesheet.
  • Apply text- and box-effects to inline and block elements on a webpage using HTML and CSS.
  • Make design decisions to emphasize text and other features of a webpage using HTML and CSS.


  • 13+
  • Intermediate web users


  • Internet-connected computers
  • Markers
  • Paper cut into 15.25 cm x 15.25 cm (or 6" x 6") squares
  • Pecils and pens
  • Optional: decorating supplies such as googly eyes, sequins, or stickers